If a career in writing movie reviews is something that you think might be a good fit, it's time to start looking at the movies you have. But the truth is that you probably already have plenty of DVDs and movies to practice with - if only they were organized. With a DVD organizer, you will be able to not only arrange your DVDs in a manner that makes sense for your reviewing goals, but that will also allow you to keep up with the latest trends in movies and in other types of productions. A great reviewer reviews as much as they can, and getting organized is the first step to a great career.
You Have to Watch Movies to Know Movies
It just makes sense that when you want to review movies, you need to watch movies. But if you're like any film buff, chances are high that your DVD collection is getting out of hand. Though DVDs are cheap, they can begin to take up space after a while - and you can begin to forget what you own. With a DVD organizer or DVD organizer software, you will be able to easily sort your DVDs into genres, directors, or other subcategories. In doing so, you will be able to see what movies you have that you love and which ones you have that you do not love. You want to have a good balance between these two types of movies since reviews aren't already written on the movies that are well done.
Polishing Your Writing Style
Once you have your DVD organizer in place and your collection under control, it's time to learn how to write a movie review. This process starts by reading as many movie reviews as you can - New York Times, Washington Post, etc. Read all of the online movie reviews you can as well so that you get a sense of what other authors are doing and how you might be able to write in your own unique way. From this research, you should begin to craft your own reviews, seeing how witty you can be and what you can bring up about each movie as you watch it. Like any movie reviewer, it might be a good idea to practice by writing several movie reviews each and every week, allowing you to begin to create a portfolio of reviews and plenty of practice under your belt.
Getting Published Now
Though there seem to be many a movie reviewer around, you might be able to get those movie reviews you've written published by starting your own website or talking to local publications. Let them know what you are reviewing, and whether you can be available to write reviews on a more regular basis. Send a few samples of your work in, letting the publication know that you haven't been published yet, but you are willing to work hard to become a vital part of their publication. All that said, you might want to look for publications which do not already have a movie reviewer on staff as you can already be guaranteed that you're not going to be competing with anyone for their job, though you will be adding to your DVD organizer as you gain experience.